Historical Spots

PLACESHistorical Spots

Miura Catholic Church


Central Sasebo

The symbol of "Peace City" Sasebo.

Founded in Tanigo-cho under the name of "Sasebo Church" in 1899, the current church was built in Miura-cho in December 1931. It has a style of beautiful Gothic architecture, though both the architect and the constructors are unknown. Also, it was religiously oppressed by the military during the Pacific War, and painted black so as not to be the target of the air raids. It is an invaluable church that survived the war.
※Please check official website for latest mass schedule →https://miurakyokai.com

4-25 Miura-cho, Sasebo, Nagasaki pref.
Phone number
0956-22-6630 ( Sasebo Tourist Infomation Center )
Business hours
9:00AM - 5:00PM (There could be the time when we cannot accept visitation or may be closed due to the religious events such as Mass or other ceremonial occasions.)
※ Mass Schedule: Sundays at 6:30AM, 9:00AM, 6:30PM / Saturdays at 6:00 AM, 6:30PM/ Weekdays at 6:00AM
Open throughout the year
Admission free
A 5-min. walk from JR Sasebo Station.